NFT or how to become a billionaire from home from scratch + more than a hundred additional materials
1. What is NFT?
NFT (*non-fungible token) is a type of token, each instance of which is unique and cannot be replaced by another similar token, although usually tokens are interchangeable by nature. A worn-out example is the Mona Lisa, a painting that cannot be replaced, faked, etc.
Let’s talk a bit about fungibility:
Fungible tokens are equal to each other and can be used as a currency. For example, bitcoin — exchange one for another bitcoin and you will have the same thing.
Semi-fungible tokens are almost indistinguishable from each other, but still unique. An example: tickets to a movie theater, the price may be the same, but each seat is definitely unique.
Non-fungible (non-fungible) tokens are completely unique, the tokenized object is in a single copy.
NFTs allow buyers to support artists. True, buyers cannot hang these digital objects on their walls, but they can get the right to boast of buying a famous collection/founder/artist, visit a wonderful closed community of holders, and receive various perks according to a roadmap.
Let me give you an example of the most popular collection at the moment — BAYC.
BAYC is one of the most successful NFT projects where monkeys (which are selectively generated and have unique characteristics) are sold for millions of dollars.
BAYC has recorded sales of over $1.43 billion. A collection of 10,000 unique digital collectibles residing on the Ethereum blockchain that minted at 0.08 ETH each in April 2021 and today their minimum price, the lowest BAYC NFT price available on the market, has risen to [92 ETH]. This miracle currently has 6500 holders.
A little background: In the summer of 2021, when NFTs gained popularity, especially profile-facing (PFP), the BAYC project was launched and sold out within 12 hours of the start of the mint. The most expensive BAYC ever sold was Bored Ape #232 for 1080.69 ETH ($2.85kk) on the LooksRare NFT marketplace in late January 2022.
The BAYC NFTs collection has gained popularity due to high-profile purchases by celebrities such as Snoop Dogg, Serena Willimas, Jimmy Fallon, Justin Beiber, Eminem, NBA champion Steph Curry (gsv shit), Neymar Jr. and rapper Post Malone.
BAYC NFTs are more than just digital collectibles. In their roadmap, the BAYC team listed a lot of benefits for their owners.
One of the benefits of buying NFTs is that it allows you to financially support artists you like. Buying an NFT also usually gives you some usage benefits, such as setting a rare NFT on Twitter/Telegram as a raison d’etre. It’s not a waste of money by any means, because most cool NFTs also give you enough money to buy 500 servings of sushi and 200 or even more girls/boys (a rogue move, but you can get a huge profit, as well as a blown-up mentality, depending on when you drain it).
Launch — the launch of a collection that is available for mint.
Mint — turning a jepeg into nft. During the mint, the nft magically materializes in your wallet.
Premint — the right to exchange nft before other participants in the mine and avoid gas lint.
WL (white list), also known as a mint pass, is a guarantee of participation in the premium. Most often, this is a role in the discord or a special nft that confirms the right to a premium.
Public sale is a stage in the launch of a project when the nft is available to everyone. It starts immediately after the bonus.
Gas — a commission to miners required to complete a transaction on the Eth network.
Gas war — when there is a large number of people willing to change nft, participants increase the chance of success by increasing the amount of gas that will be spent on mining. By increasing the gas, you pay a higher commission to the miner for the right to get into the block and mine nft.
PFP (profile picture) — a popular avatar. Nowadays, most of the nfs in the space are PFP projects, whose nfs can be used as avatars on social media.
Secondary market is the purchase of nft from second-hand sources on an nft marketplace.
Marketplace — platforms for nft trading (OS, Rarible, FND, etc.) Listing — putting nft for sale on the marketplace.Delisting — removing nft from sale.
Floor — the lowest price for which you can buy a nfs in a collection on the secondary market.
Floor sweeping is the active redemption of the collection at the lowest price, thereby stimulating the price increase.
Reveal — most often, after a mint, a cap with a conditional image appears on the nfg, which is displayed on all nfgs in the collection. After some time, when the metadata is updated, the nfs are opened. Then you can see which nfs have been mounted.
Rarity — the degree of rarity of the item in the collection. It is reflected in the price, following the logic that the rarer the item, the more expensive it is.
Trait is a characteristic element of a nfg. It can add value. As an example, a laser from the eyes on a pfp may be valued more because it gives a reference to bitcoin.
Wen — comes from when, which literally means “when”. This rhetorical question is used to pester virgins in discord, trying to find out when the project will become another whodunit. Wen moon? Wen lambo?
Gem is a project that is guaranteed to bring a return on investment. Flip is the sale of oil immediately after a mint. Short-term.
Ape in — you fly into a new collection when you buy nfth.
Degenerate — in nfp, degenerate has a positive connotation. This is a person who plays at high stakes and makes rash decisions.
Paperhands — to sell a nft much earlier than the peak price in mini plus. Or even in the red. A big minus.
Hold — storage of oil in the hope of making a profit in the future. Long-term.
Diamond hands — a confident holder who will not sell to the last.
Shill — PR of a project on discord or Twitter in the hope of finding a buyer.
Raffle is a gaming event held in discord or Twitter that gives a chance to win a project’s stake or nfs.
Scam is a deception to get your nfs or crypto.
Rug pull — after a mint, the divas abandon their collection. They get into their lambas and drive off into the California sunset to Rick Astley’s Never Gonna Give You Up.
Dox — disclosure of personal data. In non-fiction, this is when the anonymity of the project’s divas is revealed, for example.
No brainer — when a project is so good that you don’t even need to analyze whether it will be profitable or not.
Blue chip is a project that is safe to invest in under any market conditions. Mars Wars, CryptoPunks, BAYC, etc.
FOMO (fear of missing out) is the realization that you could have earned a lot of Xs if you had bought that nfs. But you didn’t… At first it hurts a lot, but then you don’t pay attention.
DYOR (do your own research) — before you buy something, analyze and study the project yourself.
AMA (ask me anything) — sessions where the project creators (devs) answer any questions from the community. They are held in a Twitter space or in collection discs.
WTT (willing to trade) — ready to exchange this nft for this. This is written in special discord channels dedicated to trading.
OTS (open to sale) — I want to sell this LP, for example. Most often, this abbreviation can be found on platforms that sell real estate.
OTB / WTB (open to buy / willing to buy) — I want to buy. The same sales of real estate.
WTS (want to sell) — I want to sell.
OTC (Over The Counter) — over-the-counter market.
Escrow (guarantor) — a person who participates as a third party in transactions when selling or buying real estate, thereby making the transaction safe.
FUD (fear, uncertainty, and doubt) — after a mint, some people are dissatisfied with the result for various reasons. They begin to slander the project and behave in a very toxic way.
NGMI (not gonna make it) — literally: you’re not going to make it. NGMI is left as a comment on a dubious project or on the comments of people who peer-to-peer.
WGMI (we’re going to make it) — we’re going to make it.
Bear market — the market is falling, we are going into hibernation
Bull market — a steadily growing market, the perfect pair for hard work and project launch.
English auctions — the highest bid wins in the end
Dutch auctions — the price drops until someone buys.

3. ERC-20 standard.
What is a standard? A standard is a unique token mechanic specified in a smart contract. Example: you have created a token for a game item (decentralized gaming is now actively developing) and want it to be able to be traded on marketplaces for game items. But the marketplaces don’t know how to access the features inside your contract, they need a separate smart contract to support your token. Knowing the ways to interact with standards, the creators of other dApps (decentralized applications) have built into the code everything necessary to work with a token on a specific standard.
There are a huge number of standards, and a new token standard can be created by absolutely any new user, and if it solves an important problem, it can become an official Ethereum standard (another way to leave your mark).
Here is a link to a cool article about common standards.
Domains are the name of a website, in our case, a wallet. In simple terms, domains turn this “0xB0031936646Cdc2D8e9CaC8f0E6413A4dd7cEF36” into “this.eth”. The most expensive deal at the moment is abc.eth 90Ξ . A man registered a domain for $640 and sold it for $255k, isn’t that a smart move? Ethereum Name Service ENS is a protocol that associates a code with a name chosen by a person Buying a domain using ENS:
1. Connect your wallet to ENS
2. Enter the domain name in the line
3. Choose the name that suits you and the period for which you are registering the domain
4 Pay for the transaction (depending on what kind of name you have, if more than 4 characters — $5, 4 characters — $160, 3 characters — $640, the price may have increased at the time of publication of this article) For a complete picture, you can check all sales here.
Each ENS web name is an NFT that is minted and sold like any other non-fungible token.
Now let’s take a closer look at ERC-20.
“ERC20” refers to the scripting standard used in the Ethereum blockchain (click here to read an article about Ethereum). This technical standard dictates a set of rules and actions that an Ethereum token or smart contract must follow, as well as the steps required to implement it. Perhaps the easiest way to think of ERC20 is as a set of basic principles and features that any new token created on the Ethereum network must adhere to.
The ERC20 token is a standard used to create and issue smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain. The smart contracts can then be used to create smart properties or tokenized assets that people can invest in. The ERC20 standard has been the dominant path for creating new tokens in the cryptocurrency space for some time. It has been particularly popular among ICOs and crowdfunding companies. So far, tens of thousands of different tokens have been issued that work in accordance with the ERC20 standard.
Advantages of Ethereum
High liquidity, people are ready to mine anything.
High commission.
3.1. Solana.
Solana works on a hybrid proof-of-stake (PoS) protocol and a concept that Solana calls PoH. Proof-of-history is a method of confirming that transactions are in the correct sequence. This system reduces latency and increases throughput because slot leaders can pass transactions to the rest of the validators in real time, rather than waiting for the entire block to be filled and sent at once. Proof-of-stake is an algorithm that allows the blockchain to maintain accurate information about all its participants.
Solana is an open-source blockchain, which means that developers can use it in different ways. That is why it is possible to create NFTs
Solana’s advantages
The Ethereum network has become congested and extremely expensive to use. Solana offers something that Ethereum cannot currently offer — fast transactions for virtually nothing.
A lot of people are willing to miner goats, which means a lot of liquidity.
The main disadvantage is the constant overloading of the system.
3.2. Near
Near Protocol is a DApp platform and Ethereum competitor that focuses on convenience for developers and users. Its blockchain supports smart contracts and supports the PoS mechanism. NEAR is a proprietary token of the NEAR Protocol that is used to store data on the platform as well as for transaction fees. NEAR Protocol’s goal of creating a crypto ecosystem around its innovative technical solution is being successfully realized. Several high-end crypto DApps have already been created on NEAR.
Near is convenient because NEAR transactions are fast (1 to 2 seconds) and cost only a few cents. There is also Mintbase.
Mintbase is a platform that aims to simplify the creation of NFTs. First, it does not require any technical knowledge. Users can sell their digital art, musicians can create and sell NFT music, and event organizers can sell tickets.
The main disadvantage is low liquidity compared to its older brothers and a small number of buyers.
4. trading platforms for NFT.
Who are they and why?
Marketplaces are platforms for selling art in the form of NFTs (or else it is not clear). There are already many NFT marketplaces.
The main types of NFT platforms:
Universal non-interchangeable websites
These types of NFT marketplaces are similar to Avito for NFTs, you can find any collection of NFTs there. These platforms are easy to enter and attract many users who can buy your tokens.
Niche marketplaces
These are narrowly focused marketplaces. The KLKTN platform is dedicated exclusively to K-Pop, anime, and J-culture, and is a place where you can find dedicated NFT buyers and sellers.
Sometimes, NFTs can feature collectibles such as baseball cards, game apparel, or even access rights to an event such as a live concert.
An example of NFT trading platforms:
Mars Wars.
Mars Wars is the largest NFT site in Ukraine. Here you will find a collection of animals for the Play to Earn game
Blockchain: Polygon.
Target: collecting, games
Mars Wars is a great starting point for exploring the world of NFTs.
OpenSea is a leader in NFT sales. (Kind of cool) OpenSea has all kinds of digital assets available on the platform + free registration and browsing of great deals. It also supports artists/founders and has a simple process of use. The marketplace supports over 150 different payment tokens.
Rarible is another large marketplace for all kinds of NFTs, similar to OpenSea. All kinds of art, videos, collectibles, and music can be bought, sold, or created on the platform. However, unlike OpenSea, you will need to use your own Rarible token to buy and sell on the marketplace. Rarible is built on the Ethereum blockchain (although artwork can be managed on OpenSea as well as with Rarible tokens). One of our favorite platforms.
SuperRare also creates a marketplace for digital creators. The site includes artworks, videos, and 3D images. Collectors can buy artworks using Ethereum. SuperRare recently announced its own eponymous token based on the Ethereum blockchain. The token will be used to find and support new talent for the market. Like Rarible, SuperRare NFT can also be bought and sold on the OpenSea.
Foundation was developed as an easy way to bet on digital art. Sales are made using Ethereum. Since the marketplace’s launch in early 2021, more than $100 million of NFTs have been sold. The Foundation community invites artists to the platform, and buyers simply need an Ethereum-funded crypto wallet to start making purchases. If you are looking for a quick and easy way to start creating your own NFTs, Foundation is probably not the best place to start, but there are many works of art on the market that you can familiarize yourself with in a simple format.
Axie Marketplace.
Axie Marketplace is an online store for Axie Infinity video games. Axies are mythical creatures that can be bought and trained, and then put into battle with other players to earn rewards. On the Axie Marketplace, players can purchase new Axies, as well as entire lands and other items as NFTs for use in the game. Axie Infinity tokens (called Axie Shards) are built on the Ethereum blockchain. As such, they can be bought and sold on various other NFT markets, as well as on some crypto exchanges such as Coinbase Global.
Larva Labs.
Larva Labs is best known for the viral CryptoPunks NFT project.
They were originally given away for free back in 2017, but since then, some CryptoPunks have been sold for millions of dollars. Larva Labs has other digital art projects, such as Autoglyphs, as well as other Ethereum blockchain-based application development projects.
Larva Labs’ CryptoPunks NFTs are sold out, but they can be found and bought on the secondary market. However, various Larva Labs projects are worth keeping an eye on, including Meebits, which can be bet on directly from the company’s built-in marketplace.
A little bit about Punks:
CryptoPunks is the earliest project developed on the Ethereum blockchain. It consists of 10,000 algorithmically generated x24–24 pixel portraits with random attributes.
Initially, CryptoPunk was available for free (except for transfer fees), but the rarity of digital portraits and the increased demand for NFTs caused prices to skyrocket.
The project was created by Larva Labs, a two-person team of devs working on a variety of projects, from mobile games and utilities to web infrastructure, digital design, and art. The team has developed a pixel-based character generator inspired by the London punk scene and cyberpunk movies and novels.
They generated 10,000 unique characters and posted them on the Ethereum blockchain in 2017. Anyone could get CryptoPunk for free. They would only need to pay a gas fee to cover the computing energy, which was significantly lower before the rise of NFT and [DeFi]. Larva Labs kept 1000 portraits for themselves, but the rest were quickly snapped up. The only way to acquire CryptoPunk today is to buy it directly from its owner.
NBA Top Shot.
NBA Top Shot is a project of the National Basketball Association and the Women’s National Basketball Association in the NFT world. On their marketplace, you can buy collectible moments (video clips and highlights) and works of art. The NBA built it as a closed marketplace (you can only buy and sell on Top Shot) using the Flow blockchain created by Dapper Labs. You can register and buy directly on the Top Shot Marketplace website. By the way, collectible moments can be purchased for just a few dollars.
Nifty Gateway.
Nifty Gateway has facilitated the sale of some of the most popular digital artists, such as Beeple and singer/musician Grimes. It is a platform powered by the Gemini Crypto exchange (controlled by the Winklevoss twins). The NFTs, known as Nifties, are built on Ethereum.
In addition, Nifty Gateway also hosts any NFTs that are purchased, meaning that the NFTs are not stored in your own wallet but are actually stored in Nifty Gateway and Gemini. While this may not work for NFT collectors who want more flexibility in their art investments, Nifty purchases and sales can also be made in fiat currency (e.g., US dollars) without first purchasing cryptocurrency.
Mintable, backed by Mark Cuban, is aiming to become an open marketplace similar to OpenSea. To participate in buying and selling NFTs on Mintable, you will need Ethereum. The platform also supports NFT mints for creators of all types (from photographers to musicians) who want to sell their work as a digital asset.
A novice collector or NFT creator will have to first purchase Ethereum on a crypto exchange and then connect their wallet to Mintable to facilitate trading and buying on the market.
Theta is a blockchain platform created for the decentralized distribution of video and television on the Internet. Theta Drop NFT marketplace was launched in 2021 with digital collectibles from the World Poker Tour. The World Poker Tour was one of the first users of ThetaTV and uses the platform to stream content.
Theta uses its own blockchain technology.
To participate in the Theta Drop NFT trading platform, you will need to purchase a Theta token. Various crypto exchanges, such as Binance, support Theta, and the tokens and NFTs purchased with their help can be stored in a crypto wallet as well as in Theta’s own crypto wallet application.
4.1 Opensea.
Let’s talk a little about the platform where everything happens
OpenSea is a decentralized non-fungible token (NFT) marketplace for buying, selling, and exchanging NFTs (and one of the first to date)
OpenSea offers a marketplace where both creators and collectors can buy, sell, and create all types of NFTs.
Before registering for the OS, I advise you to:
1. keep a wallet for storing currency and NFTs (metamask) Setting up a metamask is much easier than you think, you just need to observe certain security and privacy in use
2. pay off with the necessary currency (in our case, this is ether and we buy it on the exchange)
3. Create an account, connect a wallet and go trading
NFT trading on OpenSea
Trading on OpenSea is a minimal trust operation. You don’t need to believe that your counterparty will behave honestly, and you don’t even need to trust OpenSea. Your transactions will depend on technology, not reputation, and on smart contracts, not third parties.
In addition, transactions on OpenSea are atomic, meaning that the transaction is executed in its entirety or nothing happens. The typical contractual agreement of “if you do this, I will do that” takes place regardless of which party has to come out and act first. OpenSea uses the “Wyvern protocol”. This protocol is a set of smart contracts that have been verified and tested in real-world environments. The Wyvern protocol allows users to exchange state changes, such as the state of ownership of an NFT, for the state of ownership of cryptocurrency. Thus, when a seller sells an NFT, it is instantly transferred to the buyer.
-Okay, that’s clear, but how do I buy the NFT itself?
To buy anything on OpenSea or any other NFT marketplace, you’ll need a wallet such as Metamask. Although OpenSea stores additional information on its servers, it does not store your NFTs. The address on the blockchain owns your NFTs, and you own the address through your private key or passphrase.
-Okay, how do I buy ether to buy NFTs?
ETH is the largest altcoin that runs on its own blockchain.
You can buy it through either making a deposit on an exchange such as Coinbase (you can also use EXMO, but I haven’t tried it yet and can’t say how reliable the exchange is) or with a credit card; or directly in a wallet extension. You can find out how to buy ether here.
4.1.1 OpenSea listings.
When you’re ready to sell, there are three options for listing your items.
Fixed price listings.
This listing is a typical “buy it now” scenario, similar to an Amazon listing. The seller sets the price and keeps the item listed until it is bought or the seller decides to cancel it.
English auction.
When people hear the words “English auction,” they might think of a snobby art auction. But an English auction is similar to an eBay auction. The seller sets a minimum price and hopes that the bids will go up so that he can accept the highest price.
Sometimes a good strategy is to start the bidding from scratch to attract the attention of buyers. OpenSea also offers a reserve price feature to prevent a listing from selling too low. However, sellers remain in power. They can accept the highest bid when they are ready to sell.
Dutch auction.
To set up a Dutch auction, sellers need to set the starting price, ending price, and duration. Here, the strategy is to set the price above the market and let the price go down over time. As soon as the price drops to match the buyer’s valuation, they can snatch it up instantly. The strategy is to get the sale while the item is still priced above the market price.
OpenSea also offers off-gas transactions, where the highest bidder receives the NFT in an English auction. Neither the buyer nor the seller has to pay for gas to execute these transactions.
4.2 Magic Eden.
Magic Eden is a decentralized NFT buying and selling platform that enables users to buy, sell and trade unique digital assets. It is built on the Solana blockchain (an open source blockchain designed to support scalable decentralized applications). The blockchain can process more than 65,000 transactions per second and has a blockchain time of one second. Its main competitor, Ethereum, can only process 30 transactions per second and has a blockchain time of 15 seconds. Many collectors and funders have chosen Solana because of its faster transaction times and lower costs than Ethereum, but the network has experienced more outages and reliability issues over the past year.
Let’s take a closer look at the skeleton: — Launchpad: this feature allows users to create NFTs in minutes, without the need for extensive NFT knowledge or development experience. Currently, the platform only accepts a limited number of projects; however, this will change in the future. — Upcoming launches: Instead of looking for the next NFT drop from your favorite creator, Magic Eden gives you a list of upcoming launches so you can stay informed. — Popular Collections: To make sure you are aware of the NFT projects that are currently profitable, Popular Collections shows the latest and most popular NFT projects on the Solana blockchain. This makes it easy for you to browse, learn, and invest in the latest projects. — Auction: This is a feature that allows customers to get their NFT immediately without waiting for the seller to lower the price. In addition, it also provides users with minimal selling fees, as well as commission bonuses for those who regularly participate in auctions and successfully bid on many types of items.
buy YOUR first JPEG. (you’re even cooler now)
To buy NFTs from Magic Eden, you first need to connect your wallet to the platform: Phantom, Math Wallet, Slope Wallet, Solflare.
Once your wallet is connected, you can browse the available NFTs and choose the ones you want to buy and click the “buy now” button. After you do this, you will need to approve the transaction in the wallet and that’s it. Congratulations, you are now the owner of an NFT purchased from Magic Eden.
4.3. MINT.
Mint is the initial sale of NFTs at a single price based on the lottery principle, meaning that you can get either a very common and cheap picture or a very rare and expensive one.
When it comes to navigating NFTs, mint as a term may seem confusing because it refers to:
1. A collection that becomes part of the blockchain. 2. A collector who buys an item from this collection for the first time.
We will teach you the second one.
One of the main advantages of an NFT mint is that investors can buy a collection at the earliest opportunity. This means that they have the best chance of making a profit if the NFT collection soars in value as soon as it is listed on secondary exchanges, such as OpenSea.
4.3.1. Premint.
What is Premint? It is a new glam format. The platform offers creators more flexible settings for conditions, and it also filters out bots much better. As we learned above, our NFT can be obtained via wl or public.
Since almost all public is taken by software developers, it’s much easier to get an og with a guaranteed mint or win it in a raffle on Premint.
For example, a certain Gutz_NFT project will have the following conditions:
1–5000 will go to public
2–3000 will go to wl
3–1000 will be spent on raffle (Premint)
From this it becomes clear that you need to abuse Premint.
- Saudis 0–1.5 ETH x15
- Potatoz 0–0.6 ETH x6
- Niffera 0–100000 ETH x????
In order to abusing wisely, you will need:
¬ A Twitter account with a minimum of 90 days of age, preferably a year.
¬ You need to have at least 100 subscribers on your account.
¬ 1 account = 1 ip.
It is worth paying attention to:
Also, do not throw money from wallet to wallet, it is all waiting.
Change the proxy for each account.
If you want to transfer money from your account, use an exchange and then send it to a second address.
Wallet1 — — — Exchange — — — — Wallet2
4.4. Auctions.
English auctions
OpenSea will automatically complete the transaction if the auction ends above 1 ETH, and OpenSea will pay a commission for the gas in the process. If the auction ends below 1 ETH, the seller must accept the highest bid. The seller is not obliged to complete the transaction.
Bidding during an English auction is the same as making an offer on a fixed price listing. The seller can accept it at any time, and you will need a WETH — just as if you were making an offer on a fixed price listing.
Note: Any bids placed in the last 10 minutes of the auction will extend each auction for another 10 minutes.
Popular auctions are often extended by new bids placed in the last 10 minutes.
You can cancel the auction at any time, but you will need to pay the gas fee.
Dutch auctions
Dutch auctions are similar to fixed-price listings, but the price drops over time. You can buy at any time in the specified currency or make an offer.
This is used if you want to sell several of your NFTs to the same buyer. When you bundle several NFTs, only one transaction is required, not several, which means that the buyer saves on paying multiple gas fees.
Reserve price
Auctions cannot have a reserve price lower than 1 ETH because OpenSea covers the gas when the auction is successfully completed.
The seller can always accept an offer lower than the reserve price at any time during or after the auction, but they will have to pay for the gas.
Once the auction has started, you cannot change the reserve price.
5. Projects.
How to check the project?
The NFT market is one of the fastest growing in the crypto space. Just like you, many people are interested in it. And these “persons” can include scammers and ragpullers. Whether you are an artist, a collector, or just interested in NFTs, here is a guide to help you identify NFT collections with potential. In the NFT space, the pillars of defining a good collection have long been known: — Art — Do you like the artwork? Is it aesthetically pleasing? Would you be embarrassed to put it on your car or TV? — Market — Bull/bear? — Community — How big and active is the community? — Artist/team — Who are they? Do they have a track record?
More detailed insights
1. Website — a simple visual check is needed here — how well it works, what font is used, check the pictures, photos of team members and artists for their originality (through image search), the name of the site itself in the address bar, clickability of links and logical construction of the site.
2. Blockchain — if the network is just gaining momentum, but is already recognized by experts as promising, a project on such a network can already give Xs simply following the growth of its blockchain token.
3. Investors — of course, the presence of significant funds that pour money into the project will not allow developers to relax and will definitely try to squeeze the maximum out of it, and this is to our advantage. Today, there is a certain gradation or definition of “Tier” that reflects the level of “coolness” of a particular fund, partner, or backer. And the more such partnerships a project has, the higher the tier, the more promising your investment may be. Each fund values its reputation, has its own portfolio, tools, and criteria for evaluating the projects in which it invests its investors’ money.
5.1 Influencers.
One of the main gimmicks in the Nft,crypto space. Influencers are people who share information. It can be either a call to buy something or useful educational information. In the CIS segment, influencers usually live in tg. In en, everyone is on Twitter. Since almost all projects come to us from the en segment, it turns out that it is a must to use Twitter to be the first to find and follow projects.
5.2. OG.
Early adopters are mostly rewarded with an OG premium, or a white-list. This is exactly what we need, because we will be able to mint before the public and for a lower price.
If you are not given either of these, expect that it will be much easier for you to get a VL than for others.
How to find hems at an early stage?
Follow various artists, funders, holders, and popular projects (preferably bloopers) 24/7. We have analyzed all the points above.
The gateway to heaven during an NFT mine is the whitelist. It gives access to the pre-sale, which takes place either a few days or a few hours before the public sale.
The pre-sale prices of the mint are often lower than those of the public sale. But low prices are not the only reason why whitelists are in high demand. The availability of a guaranteed slot for NFT pollock relieves pressure from competition for pollock during the public sale, when the collection has a limited supply.
The eligibility requirements for whitelisting vary depending on the NFT project. Usually, they will be listed in the “announcements” in the project discord (if not, you can ask the general, the mods will always help you), and the link to join the project discord will be published in the project’s Twitter feed (usually you have to catch the link, but sometimes it is in the header).
The NFT project can also give Twitter whitelists to those who help spread the word by tweeting about the upcoming collection (retweets, assets).
But there are some projects that give Wl for buying their merch, like my adorable Invisible Friends
I got WL, what’s next?
If you’ve been whitelisted, congratulations! You will be able to mint NFT during the pre-sale by going to the project’s website, connecting your crypto wallet, and clicking the appropriate button to buy.
By the way, NFTs have certain degrees of rarity, sometimes you can choose a rarity yourself, but in most cases, you get into a lottery where the NFT is not yet shown, and distribution takes place after the public sale when the entire collection is mined.
Secondary markets are open for trading right after the pre-sale, and so you can sell or buy an unrevealed NFT before the public sale if you want to get a quick flip on the land and a girl/boy.
The mechanics of the public sale are similar to the pre-sale — you plug in your wallet and mint — but you may well not mint an NFT if there is too much demand. Not to mention that unbridled demand can lead to a sharp rise in gas prices.
Public sale works on a first-come, first-served basis. In order to be the first person to be served, experienced NFT traders will participate in “gas gaming”. This involves giving higher and higher donations to miners in the hope that their transactions will be processed faster than others. The worst part is that you still have to pay for the gas even if your transaction doesn’t go through, and so you should proceed with caution. Blockchain does not issue refunds.
6. Bluechip.
It is a safe long-term investment that generates a stable return on the principal invested.
If we talk about companies: Coca Cola, Disney, and General Motors, they are considered TradFi’s bullion coins.
Let me tell you a little about the blueprints in the NFT CryptoPunks is an OG NFT project that has been around since 2017. The most successful NFT project to date is the Bored Ape Yacht Club (BAYC).
CyberKongz and CrypToadz are good examples of other successful pixel projects. What a heavy Fidenza suite by Tyler Hobbs
Factors that can be used to predict a blueprint:
Artist and brand
Developers and utility
Minimum price and sales volume
Celebrity endorsements
7. Solidity.
Solidity is a special language developed by a bunch of programs for writing smart contracts.
In fact, the language is much easier to learn than it seems and is a mixture of Python, C++, and JavaS (if you are a programming nerd, I recommend starting with learning these languages to make working with Solidity easier). Solidity is used to write smart contracts, create applications for finance, art, real estate, games, social networks, and crowdfunding, but I will only talk about smart contracts.
8. Smart contracts.
Smart contracts are lines of code written in the most solid language and necessary to fulfill certain conditions in the contract. But it is worth remembering that each smart contract transaction requires a certain amount of gas. Each user can set the amount of gas they are willing to spend on each smart contract. The more you pay, the faster the transaction will be executed and verified by miners.
Programming languages are required to code a smart contract. The blockchain almost always determines the choice.
Solidity, C++, Go, Rust, Javascript, C, Vyper, DAML
Integrated development environments help to write and test code. They can be web-based (no installation/configuration required) or desktop-based.
Remix, SettleMint and EthFiddle (web-based), Visual Studio Code and Atom (desktop)
Frameworks are essential for effective testing and deployment of smart contracts. The choice of framework depends on the preferences and experience of the developer.
Hardhat, Truffle, Brownie, DappTools, ApeWorX
Test networks are used to place a protocol in a controlled environment and determine whether it behaves properly.
Rinkeby, Goerli, Kovan, Hyperledger Umbra, Ropsten (Ropsten/Rinkeby work on Ethereum)
Smart contract wallets provide access to decentralized web3 applications and allow developers to easily interact with Dapps.
Metamask, Phantom, Coinbase wallet.
9. Fraud.
-is a type of fraud in which devs close a project and leave with investors’ money, usually in decentralized (without a governing body) ecosystems.
Let me tell you a little background before introducing this type of scam.
In March 2022, the founders of a project like Frosties, known as “a project consisting of 8888 animated ice cream npcs,” were arrested in connection with money laundering (after receiving more than $1 million from their community, Nguyen and Llacuna shut down the project’s website, closed the Discord server, and transferred all sales revenue to different wallets. Those who had invested in the project were unable to contact the developers and never received anything they were promised.) Now Nguyen and Lyakune face 20 years in prison each.
Before you start a brilliant ragpull project, I advise you to watch NCET and get the idea out of your head, because now everyone is held accountable.
Read the full story here
Let’s analyze the types of ragpulls (there are 2 of them)
Complex ragpool — when the funder uses scam code (a smart contract contains hidden terms in its code intended to deceive investors in order to steal funds)
Easy ragpull — when the founder and his team quickly dump their assets, eventually devaluing the token and using the profit received from the purchase of the cryptocurrency itself by investors.
It is quite easy to distinguish ragpulls nowadays because there are special servers in the data center. If you are an investor, then you should consult a lawyer.
Since we have touched on the topic of ragpulls, I will tell you a little about the situation with Azuki. One clear day, the founder of one of the big projects that everyone loved decided to air his dirty laundry and announced all his ragpull projects, voshtrade, and all the shit that you shouldn’t do.
Drainers are phishing pages that lure victims into signing malicious transactions that allow the attacker to gain access to your cryptocurrency and NFT.
The way most drainers work is relatively simple: — Fake NFT miner pages with an artificial countdown to create urgency. — The victim connects his or her wallet to the mine. — Next, the fraudsters check whether the victim’s address has any valuable NFTs. — The victim signs the transactions to transfer ownership of the NFT. — The victim sends the transaction to the attacker for the value of the fake mint, but this transaction interacts with the contract. — Congratulations! Your donation for a new scammer’s yacht was successful. You are officially a drainer! How to define a drainer in a contract: Waiting for where your ether is sent.
web3.eth.sendTransaction({ from: walletAddress, to: address, value: web3.utils.toWei(amount, “ether”), })Most often, scammers use the Moralis API, so I advise you to go study OSINT with a CIA Officer.
10. Wash Trade.
In other words, a “fictitious trade” is a trade in which a buyer and a seller collude to mislead the market and artificially increase the price…
Example: students created another ragpull on solanum (something like ether, but much cheaper), launched a scampiar and started pumping up the price of OTS, thereby arousing the interest of minions
Or a more significant example: CryptoPunk #9998 was sold for 124,457 ETH. an hour and a half later, the seller sent the ether back to the buyer along with the CryptoPunk NFT, which was sent back to the original wallet address. Later, the jpeg was put up for sale on the market again for 250,000 ETH.
11. OTC.
How does such a market work?
You go to a certain marketplace, look for an ad that suits you, and contact the buyer/seller.
Next, you agree on which guarantor (a third party who directly coordinates the transaction) you choose (here again, we remember security and check the guarantor’s user name).
Then the chosen guarantor contacts you and creates a chat where you, the buyer/seller, and the guarantor are present. You agree on a deal, make an exchange, give the guarantor a percentage of the transaction, and part ways.
Does it sound easy? It is.
Buyers and sellers use abbreviations to shorten their ads and make life easier for themselves and others:
WTB — buy
WTS — for sale
WL — white listing
Escrow — sale through a guarantor
DM me — write to me in PM
OTS example:
12. TOOLS.
Sunspot alerts you when NFTs are listed and sold on OpenSea, depending on the parameters you set.
etherscan allows you to view the details of any transaction that takes place on the Ethereum blockchain, provides access to all ERC-721 token contracts, checks gas bills, the functionality is much broader, so I advise you to check it out.
DUNE analytics free NFT analytics.
NFT BANK tools to get an overall assessment of your portfolio, as well as to find NFTs at a discount.
ninjalerts is a smartphone app that can track all kinds of parameters. Most often, it is used to track whale wallets, influencers, and media personalities to know what they are doing before anyone else (very convenient through notifications, but available only by subscription)
nansen heavy analytics (full functionality is available by subscription)
NFT GO I usually track whales here, what is happening in the NFT market, resect the addresses of leaders, etc.
UNIQ for project statistics (one of the best free tools)
SPR3ADSH33T’S insights is a very handy tool that few people use. For me (a girl who spends all day in discord), it is very convenient to use bots in the DS for analytics (more functionality is available with a subscription)
NFSEA TOOLS is a search tool for NFT deals, new projects, analysis of disclosed and undisclosed projects, shows indicators of higher or lower probability of collection profit, which projects have been issued and the percentage of the total number of tokens that have been issued (more functionality requires a subscription).
Icy. tools is an ideal tool for beginners, with which you can easily analyze any collection (subscription required for more functionality)
compass ART is similar to the tool above, but you can only buy access for life (one of the best paid tools)
cryptoscores is a tool for finding projects with a rating system (I often wait for new projects there)
BitDegree is useful for identifying and analyzing various NFT collections from the market, and also allows you to create your own NFT portfolio for further analysis (I liked the additional functionality in the form of guides, videos, and various tutorials)
I love NFT OnChained! Great functionality: tracking listings at low prices, portfolio tracking, estimating the rarity of nfs, often waiting for a chart with known owners and a screener.
NFT NERDS is highly recommended, it was created with the support of coders and very smart crypto mathematicians. The functionality contains almost all popular tokens, i.e. it gives an idea of what is happening in the project in real time, works faster than OS, shows real flora, allows you to make purchases in the token itself, takes +- 5 seconds from listing detection to transaction approval, has rarity ratings, and much more (although the token is cool, most projects do not, so you have to constantly ask them to enable a project (the functionality is available by subscription).
supersea — a free extension for chrome that contains minimum prices, listing notifications, fraud protection (more functionality is available by subscription)
Moby for quick statistics, etc. I advise you to familiarize yourself with the functionality, because it is much wider than my vocabulary.
paperhands is a top tool that calculates the worst and best trades, long-term assets.
WGMI is one of the coolest tools for managing listings on trading platforms (I strongly recommend you to try it, again, it is available by subscription)
NFT statistics free data on nft collections (one of my favorite tools)
Flips. Finance project monitoring (I also recommend checking out NFT charts, a similar tool, but with fewer projects)
Artacle is the one and only tool for studying generative art (I think it will become a trend in the near future, so I advise you to buy it for the future)
Crypto. com allows you to track the most famous collections and coins.
nonfungible is waiting for the market history only (wider than you can imagine, I strongly advise you to wait)
Rarity. tools gives an estimate of rarity.
TRAIT sniper provides access to the rarity rating immediately after the project is revealed, I advise you to look at their data sheets and extract several strategies from other users (the functionality is available by subscription).
NFT Drops calendar will help you keep track of all upcoming drops, notify you of raffles, events, and sales related to NFT, and place your collections on the platform for sale.
DappRadar DeFi tules that can be used to manage your overall portfolio. It can estimate the total value of your NFT portfolio, as well as provide you with additional information about each individual project you have invested in, such as the total amount spent, current assets, and profit and loss. (For NFTs, I recommend using zerion, or zapper)
Upcoming NFT allows you to never miss any upcoming releases, projects, events, promotions, auctions, or sweepstakes.
DegenScan analytics, a lot of free products, a subscription opens a spectrum of useful tools (no, this is not an advertisement for a compatriot, the product is surprisingly suitable for Russia)
NFT Evening is more useful for founders of various NFT projects, as the tool allows you to promote your event or NFT project to gain popularity before launch. There’s also a calendar to keep you up to date on upcoming issues and NFTs (but I prefer their articles about projects). By the way, I don’t recommend using this tool for beginners if you haven’t yet learned to distinguish ragpuls.
FEES. WTF shows how many gas fees you have spent for the whole time
Coin Rivet has all the latest news related to NFT, DeFi, etc. In fact, there is quite a wide range of functionality related to the calendar, I advise you to pay attention.
GENIE makes a list and buys many NFTs at once.
NFT Pirates bot for trading (convenient but quite expensive, not supported on MAC) ****sudoswap is the cheapest way to make a private exchange in terms of gas fees compared to other available tools. The platform does not charge a commission for swaps, you only pay for gas.
SWAP. KIWI is another token for private exchange (in my opinion, the ship swap is definitely better, and the advantage of this token is the materials and articles that are included for beginners)
Coinzilla Marketplace is a toolkit that will help you promote your product. I have not delved into the ins and outs of it, so I will leave it to you to make up your own mind.
Bitmedia is another tool to promote your product.
Dgen. network is a news site with a lot of AMAs. If you are good with English, you are welcome.
Cryptopanic — ALL the news in existence. No exaggeration! A very useful tool for analyzing what is happening.
Nftexplained is a perfect platform for beginners, all articles are written for absolute crypto nerds.
Artblocks is a platform focused on truly programmable, on-demand generative content that is permanently stored on the Ethereum blockchain.
Metaversist — a deep dive into NFT, blockchain, and the Metaverse with one of the most famous influencers.
Nftlinks — news/events and more.
Special thanks to Nikmcfly for the links.
Nftsolana is a very handy tool with the ability to add a project to a Google calendar. Degots are cool, of course, but this one is always in our hearts.
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